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Contains utilities to assist with cross-origin communication.


// esm
import { crossOrigin } from '@paychex/platform-browser';
// commonjs
const { crossOrigin } = require('@paychex/platform-browser');
// amd
define(['@paychex/platform-browser'], function({ crossOrigin }) { ... });
require(['@paychex/platform-browser'], function({ crossOrigin }) { ... });
// iife
const { crossOrigin } = window['@paychex/platform-browser'];


Type aliases

CrossOriginConnectEvent: MessageEvent<string>
CrossOriginEvent: MessageEvent<CrossOriginEnvelope>


  • Creates an EventBus to enable cross-origin communication.

    import { crossOrigin } from '@paychex/platform-browser';

    const bus = crossOrigin.bus({ url: 'http://some.other-domain.com' });

    // listen for messages from some.other-domain.com
    bus.on('some-message', async function handle(arg1, arg2) { ... });

    // send messages to some.other-domain.com and process return values
    await bus.fire('some-event', 'abc', 123)
    .then((results) => { ... });

    IMPORTANT! Message arguments must be serializable as JSON. If not, the fire method will return a rejected Promise. For example:

    await bus.fire('message', undefined); // throws error
    await bus.fire('message', null); // okay
    await bus.fire('message', { key: undefined }); // okay
    // parent (hosting) page
    // http://my.domain.com

    const bus = crossOrigin.bus({ url: 'http://some.other-domain.com' });

    // listen for messages from other domain
    bus.on('response', async function handler(arg1, arg2) {
    console.log(`received response: ${arg1}, ${arg2}`);

    // send messages to the other domain
    await bus.fire('message', 'abc', 123).then(
    (results) => console.log(results),
    (error) => console.error(error),

    // destroy the connection at any time
    // child (hosted) page
    // http://some.other-domain.com

    const store = stores.localStore();
    const bus = crossOrigin.bus({ origins: ['http://*.domain.com'] });

    // listen for messages from parent parge
    bus.on('message', async function handler(key, param) {
    const arg1 = await store.get(key);
    const arg2 = await someAsyncOperation(arg1, param);
    await bus.fire('response', arg1, arg2);


    Returns CrossOriginEventBus

    An EventBus that can be used to send messages between the two origins. The bus will have a new method, dispose, that can be used to tear down the connection.