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Namespace validators

Contains Validator factories useful for verifying that values conform to desired specifications.

// esm
import { validators } from '@paychex/core';

// cjs
const { validators } = require('@paychex/core');

// iife
const { validators } = window['@paychex/core'];

// amd
require(['@paychex/core'], function({ validators }) { ... });
define(['@paychex/core'], function({ validators }) { ... });



  • Ensures the value is an array.

    // if you do not specify a validator to apply, the
    // value will still be validated as an array
    const items = validators.array('items must be an array');

    // invalid
    > ValidationError: items must be an array

    An error message must be provided.


    • message: string

      The error message to use if the validation fails.

    Returns Validator<AggregateValidationError>

    A validation function

  • Ensures the value is an array and that each item in the array matches the specified validator.

    const item = validators.object({
    sku: validators.string('sku is required'),
    amount: validators.number('amount is missing'),
    }, 'invalid item');

    const cart = validators.object({
    items: validators.array(item, 'invalid cart items'),
    }, 'cart is invalid');

    // non-conforming value
    items: [{ amount: 2 }], // missing sku
    > ValidationError: cart is invalid
    - inner: [ValidationError: invalid cart items]
    - inner: [ValidationError: sku is required]

    // conforming value
    const valid = await cart({
    items: [{ sku: '123', amount: 2 }]
    }).then(() => true, () => false);

    An error message must be provided.


    • validator: Validator<ValidationError>

      The validation function to apply to each element in the array.

    • message: string

      The error message to use if the validation fails.

    Returns Validator<AggregateValidationError>

    A validation function

  • Ensures a value is a date.

    const timestamp = validators.date('timestamp is required');

    // non-conforming value
    > ValidationError: timestamp is required

    // conforming value
    const valid = await timestamp(new Date())
    .then(() => true, () => false);

    // as part of object schema
    const record = validators.object({
    id: validators.string('id is required'),
    created: validators.date('creation date is missing'),
    }, 'record is invalid');

    An error message must be provided.


    • message: string

      The error message to use if the validation fails.

    Returns Validator<ValidationError>

    A validation function

  • Ensures the proposed value is empty. Empty values include null and undefined. Objects are considered empty if they have no own enumerable string keyed properties. Array-like values such as arguments objects, arrays, buffers, strings, or jQuery-like collections are considered empty if they have a length of 0. Similarly, maps and sets are considered empty if they have a size of 0.


    An error message must be provided.

    const validResult = validators.object({
    data: validators.every('any value is allowed'),
    error: validators.empty('should not have an error'),
    }, 'result is invalid');
    // use not(empty(''), '...') to ensure a value is provided
    const feedback = validators.object({
    timestamp: validators.date('valid timestamp required'),
    comments: validators.not(validators.empty(''), 'comments are required'),
    }, 'invalid feedback');
    // combine validators together to ensure a value of a specific
    // type is provided _and_ is not empty
    export const nonEmptyString = (name) => validators.every([
    validators.string(`${name} must be a string`),
    validators.not(validators.empty(''), `${name} is required`),
    ], `${name} must be a non-empty string`);


    • message: string

      The error message to use if the validation fails.

    Returns Validator<ValidationError>

    A validation function

  • Ensures the proposed value passes all of the specified validators.

    NOTE: You can use this validator to extend an existing set of validations with additional validation checks.

    See the examples for details.


    An error message must be provided.


    A non-validator was provided.

    // compose multiple validators together

    export const nonEmptyString = (name) => validators.every([
    validators.string(`${name} must be a string`),
    validators.not(validators.empty(''), `${name} is required`),
    ], `${name} must be a non-empty string`);

    // usage:
    const user = validators.object({
    id: nonEmptyString('user id'),
    }, 'user is invalid');
    // extend an existing validation

    const auditEntry = validators.object({
    timestamp: validators.date('timestamp is invalid'),
    message: validators.string('message must be a string'),
    allowed: validators.oneOf([true, false], 'allowed must be a boolean'),
    }, 'invalid audit entry');

    export const baseUser = validators.object({
    id: validators.string('user id is required'),
    access: validators.oneOf(['user', 'admin'], 'invalid access level'),
    }, 'base user is invalid');

    export const auditedUser = validators.every([
    baseUser, // all the validations of a base user, plus...
    audits: validators.array(auditEntry, 'invalid audit trail'),
    }, 'audit trail missing'),
    ], 'audited user is invalid');


    • validators: Validator<ValidationError>[]

      Zero or more Validator functions to apply. You can specify an array or just pass the validators as direct arguments.

    • message: string

      The error message to use if the validation fails.

    Returns Validator<AggregateValidationError>

    A validation function

  • Creates a validator where the value will always be valid. You can use this to indicate that any value is acceptable.


    An error message must be provided.

    // data responses can have optional payloads
    const validateResponse = validators.object({
    meta: validators.object({}, 'object expected'),
    data: validators.every('any value is allowed'),
    }, 'response is invalid');

    async function throwIfInvalid(response) {
    await validateResponse(response);
    return response.data;

    export function loadData(arg1, arg2) {
    const params = { arg1, arg2 };
    const request = data.createRequest(operation, params);
    return fetch(request)


    • message: string

      The error message to use if the validation fails.

    Returns Validator<AggregateValidationError>

    A validation function

  • Ensures the proposed value is an instance of the specified type.


    An error message must be provided.


    A class type must be provided.

    const regex = validators.instanceOf(RegExp, 'invalid regular expression');

    // conforming
    await regex(/rx/);

    // non-conforming
    > ValidationError: invalid regular expression
    // utility validator
    const error = (message) => validators.instanceOf(Error, message);

    // usage
    const bugReport = validators.object({
    failure: error('failure reason expected'),
    comments: validators.string('invalid user comments'),
    }, 'invalid bug report');


    • type: Function

      The type function to check against.

    • message: string

      The error message to use if the validation fails.

    Returns Validator<ValidationError>

    A validation function

  • Matches the proposed value against a regular expression.


    An error message must be provided.


    A regular expression must be provided.

    const rx = /^[\da-f]{8}-[\da-f]{4}-[0-5][\da-f]{3}-[089ab][\da-f]{3}-[\da-f]{12}$/i;
    const uuid = validators.matches(rx, 'a uuid is required');

    // conforming
    const valid = await uuid('35543cdb-5ac3-477f-ac86-ce8796b68cc6')
    .then(() => true, () => false);

    // non-conforming
    > ValidationError: a uuid is required


    • rx: RegExp

      The Regular Expression to match against.

    • message: string

      The error message to use if the validation fails.

    Returns Validator<ValidationError>

    A validation function

  • Negates the specified validator. In other words, if the validator rejects, this validation will resolve. If the validator resolves, this validation will reject with the specified error message.


    An error message must be provided.


    A validator function must be provided.

    const isEmpty = validators.empty('value is not empty');
    const isNotEmpty = validators.not(isEmpty, 'value is empty');

    // conforming
    await isNotEmpty([1, 2, 3]);

    // not conforming
    > ValidationError: value is empty

    > ValidationError: value is empty

    > ValidationError: value is empty


    • validator: Validator<ValidationError>

      The validator to negate.

    • message: string

      The error message to use if the validation fails.

    Returns Validator<ValidationError>

    A validation function

  • Ensures a value is a number.

    const age = validators.number('age is required');

    // non-conforming value
    > ValidationError: age is required

    // conforming value
    const valid = await age(29)
    .then(() => true, () => false);

    // as part of object schema
    const cartItem = validators.object({
    sku: validators.string('sku is required'),
    name: validators.string('item name is required'),
    amount: validators.number('amount is required'),
    }, 'cart item is invalid');

    An error message must be provided.


    • message: string

      The error message to use if the validation fails.

    Returns Validator<ValidationError>

    A validation function

  • Ensures an object conforms to the specified schema, where each property is run against the associated Validator.

    NOTE: The proposed object will only be checked against the property names specified in the schema. If the object has additional properties, it will still be considered conforming so long as the schema is satisfied. However, if the object has fewer properties than specified in the schema, it will be considered invalid.

    // use an empty schema to allow _any_ object type
    const isobject = validators.object({}, 'object expected');

    // conforming
    await isobject({ key: 'value' });

    // non-conforming
    > ValidationError: object expected
    const user = validators.object({
    age: validators.number('age must be numeric'),
    name: validators.string('name must be a string'),
    }, 'user is invalid');

    // non-object provided
    > ValidationError: user is invalid

    // object is missing a `name` property,
    // which was defined in the schema
    user({ age: 41 }).catch(console.error);
    > ValidationError: user is invalid
    const user = validators.object({
    age: validators.number('age must be numeric'),
    name: validators.string('name must be a string'),
    }, 'user is invalid');

    // non-conforming value
    age: 21,
    name: new Date(),
    > ValidationError: user is invalid
    - inner: [ValidationError: name must be a string]

    // conforming value
    const valid = await user({
    age: 21,
    name: 'John',
    created: new Date(), // not in schema; ignored
    }).then(() => true, () => false);

    An error message must be provided.


    Schema must be an object whose values are Validator functions.


    • schema: {}

      A map of property names to Validator functions. Each validator will be run for the value of the associated property on the proposed object.

    • message: string

      The error message to use if the validation fails.

    Returns Validator<AggregateValidationError>

    A validation function

  • Ensures a value equals one of the given expected values.

    // you can specify the expected values as an array or as parameters:
    const bool = validators.oneOf(true, false, 'boolean expected');
    const same = validators.oneOf([true, false], 'boolean expected');
    const level = validators.oneOf(['admin', 'user', 'poweruser'], 'invalid level');

    // non-conforming value
    > ValidationError: invalid level

    // conforming value
    const valid = await level('user')
    .then(() => true, () => false);

    // as part of object schema
    const user = validators.object({
    username: validators.string('username is required'),
    level: validators.oneOf('admin', 'user', 'poweruser', 'invalid level'),
    }, 'user is invalid');

    An error message must be provided.


    A non-empty array of expected values must be provided.


    • Rest ...args: [...any[], string]

    Returns Validator<ValidationError>

    A validation function

  • Ensures the value is in the specified range. If no minimum value is specified, no lower limit will be applied. Same if no maximum value is specified. The bounds are inclusive, so think of it as [min, max], not (min, max).


    An error message must be provided.

    const isAdult = validators.range(18, null, 'not an adult');
    const isTodayOrEarlier = validators.range(null, new Date(), 'after today');

    // conforming
    await isAdult(31);

    // not conforming
    > ValidationError: not an adult

    // non-conforming date
    const ONE_DAY = 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000;
    const tomorrow = new Date(Date.now() + ONE_DAY);

    > ValidationError: after today


    • min: any

      The minimum value in the range, inclusive.

    • max: any

      The maximum value in the range, inclusive.

    • message: string

      The error message to use if the validation fails.

    Returns Validator<ValidationError>

    A validation function

  • Ensures the proposed value passes at least one of the specified validators.

    NOTE: You can use this validator to extend existing validations. For example, you can enable multiple versions of a schema until support for older versions can be removed.

    See the examples for details.


    An error message must be provided.


    A non-validator was provided.

    // if provided, feedback must be a string
    const bugReport = validators.object({
    error: validators.instanceOf(Error, 'error is required'),
    feedback: validators.some([
    validators.string('feedback should be a string'),
    ],'invalid feedback'),
    }, 'invalid bug report');
    // allowing multiple versions of a schema

    // compose validators for re-use
    function isRequiredString(name) {
    return validators.every([
    validators.not(validators.empty(''), `${name} is required`),
    validators.string(`${name} must be a string`),
    ], `${name} is a required string`);

    const version1 = validators.object({
    fullname: isRequiredString('fullname'),
    }, 'version 1 is invalid');

    // version 2 split fullname into firstname and lastname:
    const version2 = validators.object({
    firstname: isRequiredString('firstname'),
    lastname: isRequiredString('lastname'),
    }, 'version 2 is invalid');

    const isKnownVersion = validators.some([
    version1, // single fullname field
    version2, // firstname and lastname fields
    ], 'invalid version provided');

    export async function validatePerson(person) {
    await isKnownVersion(person);


    • validators: Validator<ValidationError>[]

      The Validator functions to apply. You can specify an array or just pass the validators as direct arguments.

    • message: string

      The error message to use if the validation fails.

    Returns Validator<AggregateValidationError>

    A validation function

  • Creates a validator that always considers the value to be invalid.


    An error message must be provided.

    // always invalid
    validators.some('this value is invalid')()
    > ValidationError: this value is invalid


    • message: string

      The error message to use.

    Returns Validator<AggregateValidationError>

    A validation function

  • Ensures a value is a string.

    const name = validators.string('name must be a string');

    // non-conforming value
    > ValidationError: name must be a string

    // conforming value
    const valid = await name('John')
    .then(() => true, () => false);

    // as part of object schema
    const user = validators.object({
    firstname: validators.string('string firstname expected'),
    lastname: validators.string('string lastname expected'),
    }, 'user is invalid');

    An error message must be provided.


    • message: string

      The error message to use if the validation fails.

    Returns Validator<ValidationError>

    A validation function