  • Public
  • Public/Protected
  • All

Provides methods for logging events, errors, and performance.

Best Practices

  • Combine tracker.child() with tracker.context() to set cross-cutting information specific to your application and to each high-level business process or transaction you have to track. You can create any number of child trackers that inherit settings from their ancestors.
// app/index.js

export const tracker = trackers.create();

app: 'my-app'
// app/components/search.js

// import the root tracker with 'app' defined
import { tracker } from '../index';
import { fetch, createRequest } from '../data';

// create a child tracker for use
// only within this file
const fileTracker = tracker.child();

// all calls to child tracker methods
// will include this 'component', along
// with 'app' set by the root tracker
component: 'my-app-search'

const operation = {
base: 'my-app',
path: '/search'

export async function getSearchResults(query) {

// create a child tracker for use only within
// the lifetime of this function (ensures each
// call to this function gets its own context)
const methodTracker = fileTracker.child();

// set data specific to this invocation
methodTracker.context({ query });

// the following event will include 'query'
// and 'component' from ancestor trackers
// as well as 'app' from the root tracker

const params = { query };
const stop = methodTracker.start('perform search');
const request = createRequest(operation, params);
const response = await fetch(request).catch(errors.rethrow(params));
const results = response.data;

// the following timer will include 'query',
// 'component', 'app', and -- only on this
// timer -- a 'status' value
stop({ status: results.length ? 'Found' : 'Not Found' });

return models.utils.withOrdering(models.collection(...results), ['priority'], ['desc']);


  • BaseTracker
    • Tracker



  • Creates a child Tracker instance.

    import { tracker } from '~/tracking';

    // this tracker will inherit any context data
    // set in landing's tracker while also mixing
    // in any contextual data of its own
    export const myAppTracker = tracker.child();

    myAppTracker.context({ app: 'my-app' });
    myAppTracker.event('app tracker created');

    Returns Tracker

    A new Tracker instance that will notify the same root subscriber of TrackingInfo entries, mixing in ancestor contextual data as needed.

  • context(data: Record<string, any>): void
  • Sets contextual data to be mixed into each TrackingInfo created by this Tracker or any child Trackers.

    import { get } from 'lodash';
    import { store, tracker } from '~/tracking';

    store.subscribe(() => {
    const state = store.getState();
    const app = get(state, 'routes.stage');
    const drawer = get(state, 'routes.drawer');
    tracker.context({ app, drawer });


    • data: Record<string, any>

      The data to merge into any TrackingInfo instances created by this (or child) Tracker methods.

    Returns void

  • error(err: Error): void
  • Logs an Error.

    import { tracker } from '~/tracking';

    export function doSomething(param) {
    .catch(errors.rethrow({ param }))


    • err: Error

      The Error instance to log.

    Returns void

  • event(label: string, data?: Record<string, any>): void
  • Logs an event. Events usually represent important points in an application's lifecycle or user-initiated actions such as button clicks.

    NOTE: This method also creates a browser performance mark with the given message name.

    import { tracker } from '~/tracking';

    window.addEventListener('click', (e) => {
    if (e.target.matches('button, a')) {
    // could grab additional contextual data
    // by looking at ancestor elements' attributes
    const type = e.target.tagName.toLowerCase();
    tracker.event('click', {
    tags: ['ui', type],
    label: e.target.innerText


    • label: string

      The name of the event to log.

    • Optional data: Record<string, any>

      Optional information to associate with this TrackingInfo.

    Returns void

  • start(label: string): TimerStopFunction
  • Starts a timer to measure performance.

    import { tracker } from '~/tracking';

    export async function doSomething(param) {
    const stop = tracker.start('doSomething');
    const results = await somePromiseMethod();
    stop({ count: results.length, param });
    return results;


    • label: string

    Returns TimerStopFunction

    Method to invoke to stop and log the timer.

  • uuid(): string
  • Generates a random RFC 4122 UUID guaranteed to be unique.

    import { tracker } from '~/tracking';
    import { proxy } from '~/path/to/data';

    headers: {
    'x-session-id': tracker.uuid()
    match: {
    base: '^my\-app' // can use regular expression syntax

    Returns string