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Provides a GoogleAnalytics collector for use with a @paychex/core Tracker.


npm install @paychex/collector-ga



import { googleAnalytics } from '@paychex/collector-ga';


const { googleAnalytics } = require('@paychex/collector-ga');


define(['@paychex/collector-ga'], function(collectors) { ... });
define(['@paychex/collector-ga'], function({ googleAnalytics }) { ... });
require(['@paychex/collector-ga'], function(collectors) { ... });
require(['@paychex/collector-ga'], function({ googleAnalytics }) { ... });

iife (browser)

const { googleAnalytics } = window['@paychex/collector-ga'];


Construct a new GoogleAnalytics collector for use in the @paychex/core Tracker by passing the global ga object to the factory function:

import { trackers } from '@paychex/core';
import { googleAnalytics } from '@paychex/collector-ga';

import { createRequest, fetch } from '~/path/to/datalayer.js';

async function send(payload, operation) {
// optionally, extend fetch to provide custom logic
// such as retries, connectivity checks, etc...
await fetch(createRequest(operation, null, payload));

const collector = googleAnalytics(send, ga);
export const tracker = trackers.create(collector);

You can combine this functionality with other utility methods. For example, we can batch calls to Google Analytics to run at most once every 5 seconds, and also replace keys and values with parameters Google Analytics expects:

// combining with utility methods

import { googleAnalytics } from '@paychex/collector-ga';
import { functions, signals, trackers } from '@paychex/core';

async function send(payload, operation) { ... }

const signal = signals.autoReset(false);

let collector = googleAnalytics(send, ga);

collector = trackers.utils.withReplacement(collector, new Map([
[/\ben\b/i, 'English'],
[/\bes\b/i, 'Spanish'],
[/^lang$/i, 'language'],

collector = functions.buffer(collector, [signal]);
collector.flush = signal.set;

// automatically flush the queue every 5 seconds;
// consumers can also manually invoke `flush` (e.g.
// when the user is navigating away from the site)

setInterval(collector.flush, 5000);

export default collector;